Welcome to the wonderfully wild world of salty sailors, boat life, ship‘s work and fun! If you are interested in boats, ships, maritime-industry, sailing, history, the sea and drunken sailor debauchery, then come join captain Johann Steinke as he shares this exciting world with you. He hopes you will find this podcast fun, informative, and possibly even inspiring... but mostly he wants you to be entertained. So come gather around and listen to a few good yarns as you enter the world of Nautical Knowledge and Nonsense!!

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
30.Historian and Youtube Sensation!!- Brandon F.
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
In this episode I got to talk to Brandon F. Brandon makes historical Youtube videos that have received millions of views! Several of them also have nautical themes and so we discuss that as well as possible future maritime-related videos. We also go on a few funny historical rants, and just in general have a great conversation! He absolutely did not have to do this interview (especially as he was just a few hours from catching a plane to England and had not yet packed!) but he did so and for that I am very thankful.
Brandon Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrandonF
Brandon's website: https://www.nativeoak.org/
Brandon's "What does a musket really sound like?" video, mentioned in the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS1NDMN9Gnw
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
29. A Delightful Interview with Sailor and Bosun- Liz Dal Bon
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
In this very fun and funny interview with my old shipmate Liz Dal Bon (featured in the Valentines Day Special, Episode 17) we sit down and have a delightful clash of cultures in a way that only two old shipmates can. We delve into her back ground and what got her into boats, and we have some really great story swapping back and forth. We go deep covering boat safety, history, and philosophy, but we also have fun covering such non-nautical topics as Cast Iron, Kombucha, and Gut Bioms... and she also introduced me to ASMRs... which sadly I can't explain and just have to be experienced... I am sorry to say. I edited most (but not all of them) out of this interview... you're welcome. :)
The Wharram Catamaran Website mentioned in the episode: https://www.wharram.com/
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com

Sunday May 29, 2022
28. English World Cruiser and Old Viking Shipmate- Jamie Wharram
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Jamie was featured in the "Valentines Day Special" (Episode 17), where he got poked fun of quite a bit and took it very well. In this episode we get into Jamie's unique upbringing sailing around the world on a "catamaran" (Actually, technically a "double canoe"). We also get into our experiences on the viking ship the Sea Stallion, and some of the fun and craziness that ensued there. You will probably notice that Jamie and I are two very different people with differing opinions and world views, and yet we are very comfortable in each others presence and able to poke fun at each other in a good-humored way. Ours is a bond that was born of a 6 week journey from Ireland to Denmark on a viking ship, and it transcends such trivial differences.
The Wharram Catamaran Website mentioned in the episode: https://www.wharram.com/
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN

Tuesday May 24, 2022
27. Celebrity Interview with Solo Sailor- Steven Ladd
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
My first celebrity interview! Steven Ladd was nice enough to let me interview him about the two books he wrote. They are about the incredible adventures he as been on. One was his solo voyage for 3 years on a 12 foot boat of his own design and making. The other was with him and his now wife and new born baby on an insanely small boat. Steven pays me a huge complement in this interview, because I am apparently the only person to have ever asked him about his poetry. His response is emotional, heartfelt and personal. I hope everyone enjoys hearing about his amazing journeys and life.
Stephen's boats are "Squeak" in the first voyage and "Thurston" in the second.
Stephen's website is... https://www.stephen-ladd.com/
His WWII Marine Uncle's Book, which is brought up in the interview is... "Faithful Warriors" by Lt. Col Dean Ladd.
Stephen's Poem read in the interview...
Rowing, rowing on the roof, of a world that's made of water-
Who are they below who raise their heads as at the sky?
They who ask me of the land, "Does a falling tree where no ears hears still make a crashing sound?"
I answer: "Without me do searocks still bare like teeth? the ocean suck and seethe?
oh! and under do your talons still yearn to stave and scratch?"
They say: "We hear pf handsome Indian boys like Captain Cook's Hawaiians, thick of chest, strong of arm, open-faced and new, born of the sea, born of me, tell me, is it true?
And I: "It's true that giants walk the land with giant steps, and fire burns that never can deep down within your depths,
but tell me now where sleeps the serpent of black and yellow stripes who swims your sea along with me and when I call him, dives?"
But they unkown can only ask, so on I row and wonder, at seacaves crashing black inside, and pelicans in diagonal, in my sky above theirs.

Saturday May 07, 2022
26. A Brief Update and What is Coming Up
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
Just a quick message to fans of the show as to why I haven't been able to post weekly for the past few weeks and also a few hints about some exciting future episodes coming up!

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
25. San Fran Sailor and Old Shipmate- Jordan Little
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Such an awesome interview! So much fun and such natural back and forth sailor banter! We talk about the crazy roleplaying that happens on boats, the illegal stealing and subsequent recovery of his boat "Lumpy Space Princess", as well as the US Army Corps of Engineers, Japanese gift-giving culture, tallship pranks, an epic west coast storm which he and his crew survived and more.
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN

Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Before the sinking of the Titanic the most well-known tragedy at sea was about the whaling ship Essex. If you have never heard of this story then you must listen to this episode, and if you have heard the story, I would still recommend you listen to this episode. In it I give you my perspective as a sailor and captain of tallships, and I hope it will give people who are knowledgeable of the events some new ideas and information to reflect on.
Books Used for Source Material: "In the Heart of the Sea" by Nathaniel Philbrick and also "The Whalers" from the Time Life book series The Seafarers.
Podcast Referenced in the Episode: Bradley Hall's "Beyond the Harbor" podcast. https://www.braddhall.com/episodes
SPECIAL Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "Arran Boat Song", specifically track 3. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
23. Surfer Dude Down Under!!- ChristianDenham
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
An old friend and incredible character, Christian and I get caught up and have a very candid conversation about surfing, big waves, sharks, and psychedelic drugs. Also, Christian worked at the night club in Bali that was the site of the worst terrorist attack in Australian history, and is very open about his perspective there.
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
22. Maine Windjammer Captain- Barry King
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Barry King sails the engineless Maine Windjammer Schooner the "Mary Day". A former captain of mine and very influential person in my tallship career, Barry and I talk about what led him to the Mary Day, finding one's "home" or "path" in life, some leadership and boat lessons that can save your life, and what makes the Maine Windjammer fleet so incredibly unique in the world. Hopefully by the end you will want to be packing your bags for a wonderful, nostalgic, music-and-lobster-filled vacation aboard his schooner!!
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
21. Sea Scout Leader and Old School Mariner- Tom Rogers
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
I got to sit down with two other captains (Tom Rogers and Ken Lazarus) to talk all about the Sea Scouts program in Tacoma WA. Tom was the star of the show with over 60 years experience working with the Sea Scouts. We talk all about the program and the life-long impact it has on so many. We also talk about "running a fathom line" for navigation, how to memorize the signal flags and their meaning (you will never in a million years forget the "Whiskey" flag after listening to this episode!) as well as the state of the youth today (Tom's answer might surprise you).
Intro/Ending Music: Many thanks to Riggy Rackin for allowing the use of music from his Nauticas album. The intro and ending themes are the sailor song "A Roving", specifically track 1. Learn more or order his music at www.riggy.com
My Children's Books: "The Greatest Captain in the World" and "The Greatest Captain in the World Too" are available on Amazon or directly from me at... www.greatestcaptain.com
Please support me at Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=PTYG3GDRKYWKN